Michigan state Rep. Mike Mueller (R-Fenton Township) was among those leading the charge for the passage of House Bills 4551 and 4552, proposals aimed at making it easier for 100-percent disabled veterans to enjoy visiting state parks free of charge.
“This is truly the least we can do for our disabled vets,” Mueller, a Navy veteran, said in a press release. “These men and women sacrificed substantially for our freedom and this is an opportunity to acknowledge that in a small way by allowing them to enjoy Michigan’s state parks free of charge. They fought for this land, and they deserve the chance to enjoy it.”
The legislation would also allow honorably discharged vets designated as 100 percent disabled by the Secretary of State to receive a registration tab that allows them to access state parks also free of charge, as paves the way for those with Disabled Veteran (DV) license plates or tabs to park in handicap spaces.
The two bills will now move to the House Ways and Means Committee for further consideration.