City of Grand Ledge
Recent News About City of Grand Ledge View More
PUBLIC HEARING: Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Project Plan Amendment - Well #2 Raw Water Main
The Grand Ledge City Council will hold a public hearing during its regular meeting at 7:30 p.m.
PUBLIC HEARING: Ordinance to amend the City Code, Chapter 8, Article IV and repeal Section 8.1
The Grand Ledge City Council will hold a public hearing during its regular meeting at 7:30 p.m.
PUBLIC HEARING: Cooperative Development Agreement Amendment No. 2
The Grand Ledge City Council will hold a public hearing during its regular meeting at 7:30 p.m.
PUBLIC HEARING: Rezoning E. Andre Dr. Vacant Property
The Grand Ledge Planning Commission will hold a public hearing during its regular meeting at 7:00 p.m.
Annual Vehicle Passes
A friendly reminder that Annual Vehicle Passes (calendar year) are required to enter the compost center.
Odd/Even, Overnight, On-Street Residential Parking (Dec. 1 - Mar. 31)
The odd-even, overnight, on-street parking ordinance (Section 42- 1- 42-4, Article I) takes effect seasonally, December 1 - March 31, and during any declared snow emergencies.
PUBLIC HEARING: Department of Natural Resources Spark Grant
The Grand Ledge City Council will hold a public hearing during its regular meeting at 7:30 p.m.
PUBLIC NOTICE: Drug Take-Back Day Sat. 10/29
Have unused or expired drugs or medications in your home?
City-wide leaf pick-up begins Monday, October 24
City-wide leaf pick-up begins Monday, October 24, 2022.
PUBLIC NOTICE: Homecoming Parade - Street Closures, Oct. 7, 2022
GLAlerts: Homecoming Parade - Temporary Road Closures - 10/7/2022 5:30pm - 6:30pm
PUBLIC HEARING: Planning Commission - City Code Sections 46-6 & 46-7
The Grand Ledge Planning Commission will hold a public hearing during its regular meeting at 7:00 p.m.
PUBLIC NOTICE: City Hall Closed at 11:30 AM - Fri. Sept. 16, 2022
City Hall will close at 11:30 AM, on Friday, September 16, 2022 for the Annual Employee Meeting.
PUBLIC NOTICE: 2022 Safe Routes to School
As students return to school, residents and visitors will notice pedestrian crosswalk signs located along our commonly used safe routes to school.
PUBLIC NOTICE: Urgent Water System Repairs May 25, 2022
WHAT IS HAPPENING? The City of Grand Ledge Department of Public Services (DPS) has unexpected but necessary repairs needed on the iron removal system at the water treatment plant.
THREE ways to celebrate Earth Day 2022
Hey, Grand Ledge! Check out THREE ways to help celebrate Earth Day 2022!
PUBLIC NOTICE: Downtown Development Authority Informational Meeting
The Grand Ledge Downtown Development Authority will hold an informational meeting at 6:00 p.m.,
PUBLIC NOTICE: 3/12 Bridge Street closure for St. Patrick's Day Parade
GLAlerts: St. Patrick's Day Parade - Temporary Road Closures - 3/12/22 2:00 - 3:00 PM
PUBLIC HEARING: Ordinance amending Section 46-453, Schedule of Regulations
The Grand Ledge City Council will hold a public hearing during its regular meeting at 7:30 p.m. on 28 February 2022, to consider and receive public input on a proposed ordinance amending the Grand Ledge City Code, Chapter 46, Zoning, Article XVI, Schedule of Regulations, Section 46-453, Schedule.
The Michigan Homeowner Assistance Fund (MIHAF)
Please share this information from the Michigan State Housing Development Authority
3G Network will be phased out as soon as February 2022
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is alerting all cell phone and tablet users operating on the 3G network that service, based on provider, will be phased out as soon as February 2022.