City of Grand Ledge | Free CCO Credit
City of Grand Ledge | Free CCO Credit
The Grand Ledge City Council will hold a public hearing during its regular meeting at 7:30 p.m. on 27 March 2023, in the Council Chambers, City Hall, 310 Greenwood St., Grand Ledge MI 48837, to consider and receive public input on a proposed Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Project Plan Amendment - Well #2 Raw Water Main (Project #7735-01). The project plan are available on the City’s website by clicking here on and after 19 February 2023 and at City Hall, 310 Greenwood St., Grand Ledge MI 48837.
The purpose of the proposed project is to make improvements to the existing raw water supply system. The improvements will allow for the continued supply and treatment of potable water to the City water system throughout the service area in accordance with the current EPA regulations.
Project elements include the installation of about 6,000 feet of 8-inch raw water transmission main connecting Well 2 in Jaycee Park to the Iron Removal Plant. This transmission main will be installed along Franklin Street from Jaycee Park, to south down DeGroff Street, and across M-43 to the Iron Removal Plant site.
Long term positive impacts from the project include additional groundwater supply for the system. Short term impacts related to construction activities could include increased construction traffic and disturbances in the immediate vicinity of the water main route.
The current total estimated project cost is $4,320,000. The project cost will be funded through a low interest Michigan Department of Environment, Great lakes, and Energy (EGLE) State Revolving Fund (SRF) loan.
The City Council invites anyone interested to attend and offer comments at the public hearing. Written comments can be mailed to or placed in the drop box in front of City Hall, 310 Greenwood St., Grand Ledge MI 48837, or emailed to All written comments received before 5:00 p.m. on 27 March 2023 will receive responses in the final project plan.
Please call (517) 627-2149 or email for further information or to request accommodations for disabilities.
Original source can be found here.