Adobe Stock
Adobe Stock
Bilal Tawwab is the highest paid Flint Community Schools employee among employees whose salary information was made available.
The data was gathered by the Mackinac Center for Public Policy. The Mackinac Center for Public Policy is a nonprofit research and educational institute.
Highest paid employees at Flint Community Schools in 2018
Rank | Employee Full Name | Amount Earned |
1 | Bilal Tawwab | $141,346 |
2 | Shawn Merriweather | $124,279 |
3 | Gwendolyn Dejongh | $120,918 |
4 | Shelly Umphrey | $108,827 |
5 | Maria Boyd Springer | $93,204 |
6 | Jorgina Rubin | $91,562 |
7 | Melinda Carroll | $91,425 |
8 | Ernest Steward | $91,378 |
9 | Anthony Sitko | $88,377 |
10 | Pamela Mosher | $88,306 |
11 | Shamarion Grace | $87,454 |
12 | Kelly Fields | $85,905 |
13 | Anita Steward | $85,367 |
14 | Debra Rinoldo Hopkins | $84,701 |
15 | Gretchen Shafer | $83,694 |
16 | Debra Altheimer Richar | $79,069 |
17 | Shalonda Byas | $78,898 |
18 | Joellen Ludwig | $78,796 |
19 | Rose Cusenza | $77,988 |
20 | Delynn Smith | $77,806 |
21 | Shelli Burkhardt | $76,581 |
22 | Lou Arndt | $76,572 |
23 | Eileen Tomasi | $76,187 |
24 | Stephanie Elder | $76,158 |
25 | Melanie Hemphill | $75,838 |
26 | Suzanne Hlavach | $75,551 |
27 | Michele Stinson | $75,393 |
28 | Karen Christian | $75,012 |
29 | Cassandria Harris | $74,577 |
30 | Iman Simberg | $74,386 |
31 | Daphne Jackson | $74,247 |
32 | Gina Morris Cicalo | $74,078 |
33 | Trishanda Williams | $73,893 |
34 | Jacqueline Richardson | $73,847 |
35 | Krissandra Gatz | $73,807 |
36 | Davina Whitaker | $73,743 |
37 | Shannon Monroe | $73,697 |
38 | Stephanie Crochran | $73,436 |
39 | Keiona Murphy | $73,226 |
40 | Lisa Eikey | $73,150 |
41 | Latausha Wilson | $73,147 |
42 | Christopher Ochodnicky | $73,114 |
43 | Joyce Pratt | $72,967 |
44 | Jo-K. Boegner | $72,838 |
45 | Theresa Skene | $72,814 |
46 | Sharon Davis | $72,708 |
47 | Tamara Smeltzer | $72,641 |
48 | Barbara Davis | $72,623 |
49 | Cynthia Bell | $72,552 |
50 | Dorothy Diaz | $72,516 |
51 | Chandra Forward | $72,493 |
52 | Angela Ascencio Mindlin | $72,450 |
53 | Teresa Knox Gibbs | $72,415 |
54 | Bethany Dumanois | $72,256 |
55 | Debra Dukes | $71,828 |
56 | Kela Geisert | $71,809 |
57 | Susan Sumner Dingman | $71,537 |
58 | Frances Dashe | $71,513 |
59 | Billy Minor | $71,450 |
60 | Connie Portice Brown | $71,117 |
61 | Richard Robart | $71,074 |
62 | Funmilola Adigun | $70,942 |
63 | Leanne Rawls | $70,938 |
64 | Michelle Okeefe | $70,857 |
65 | Katherine Lisk | $70,805 |
66 | Tamara Armbruster | $70,803 |
67 | Tammy Beckett-Reese | $70,759 |
68 | Marsha Connelly Snyder | $70,748 |
69 | Sherry Pinson-Kelly | $70,676 |
70 | Beth Casucci | $70,665 |
71 | Melissa Wade | $70,315 |
72 | Marcy Speaks | $70,082 |
73 | Linda Gladstone | $70,078 |
74 | Lee Dodge | $70,054 |
75 | Shelbi Redmond | $70,052 |
76 | Crystal Dias | $70,025 |
77 | Delane Luce | $69,938 |
78 | Lisa Bowman | $69,752 |
79 | Jacqueline Martin | $69,738 |
80 | Carolyn Hudson | $69,587 |
81 | Carla Roberts | $69,568 |
82 | Heather Coffey | $69,555 |
83 | Holly Selesky | $69,440 |
84 | Paishann Curtis | $69,406 |
85 | Jacqueline Kildee Taylor | $69,389 |
86 | Olga May-Henley | $69,320 |
87 | Angela Benchley | $69,287 |
88 | Deanna Schlaud | $69,272 |
89 | Angela Alexander | $69,233 |
90 | Brandy Bearup | $69,223 |
91 | Susan Clegg | $69,214 |
92 | Margaret Reeser Wright | $69,159 |
93 | Linda Simmons | $69,111 |
94 | Monaca Wood | $69,034 |
95 | Cathy Shay | $69,023 |
96 | Anna Johnson | $68,862 |
97 | Daniell Perroud | $68,861 |
98 | Tracie Thompson | $68,765 |
99 | Susan Johnson | $68,763 |
100 | Amy Plumb | $68,696 |